The Well-Being Crew

Vision: The sun rises over the Swiss Alps in the distance. A man with VR glasses looks up at the sky.

Our Vision

We turn flying into personalized Well-Being.

Our Mission

We enable airlines and seat manufacturers to offer a customizable on-board experience to passengers by providing the most compelling Well-Being.

Mission: Astronaut in Space. Space exploration concept
Values: Concepts and methods for developing organizations towards success. Business icons on wooden blocks.

Our Values

Have a fun-loving attitude – Be a passionate team player. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Celebrate success.

Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit – Always think and act like an entrepreneur - the day we stop, we become just another aviation company.

Be open-minded – Value diversity in people and ideas. Everybody's voice shall be heard.

Have the courage to be different – Say what you think. Change what can be done better. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; learn and grow with them.

Play fair – Treat your peers, partners and the environment (nature) with fairness and respect. Demand the same in return.

Be a Win – Win champion – Always strive for solutions that benefit all stakeholders.